How to connect
Armenian- English and English- Armenian dictionary ( to ABBYY
Lingvo 10, 9.0, 8.0 and 7.0 program)
Contain 9500 and 7700 words accordingly. Showing needs Armenian
fonts: Sylfaen and Arial Unicode MS. Spring: FreeLang, Authors:
Vardan and Vahan Papoian. Convertation to Lingvo format: Anatoliy
Kaydalov, Moscow.
- - To connect the additional dictionary (to the program
ABBYY Lingvo 10, 9.0, 8.0 and 7.0) follow the instruction.
- - In the menu “Service” choose “Languages and dictionaries”
( in Lingvo 7.0. – Connect/Disconnect dictionary, in Lingvo
10 – “Dictionaries” ).
- - In the appeared dialogue click to select :Connect dictionary
from file” ( in Lingvo 7.0 – Connect… ).
- - In the appeared dialogue “Dictionary installation”
in the type of opening files choose appropriate from the
offered list.
Then choose a dictionary or dictionaries
you want to adjust.
You can pull the necessary dictionary (or dictionaries) from
the “Guide” to the ABBYY Lingvo book shelf. After all above
numerated operations the dictionary will be connected to the
ABBYY Longvo program and on the panel of dictionaries you
will have the bottom of the installed dictionary.
The ABBYY Lingvo 10, Lingvo 9.0 and 8.0.
use the new format of dictionaries, so when connecting the
dictionaries of previous versions Lingvo ( 5.0, 6.0, 6.5,
7.0) you will be offered to convert then automatically. If
you click “yes” for each dictionary DSL Compiler will be called
to convert into a new file automatically. The old dictionary
file will stay unchanged.